Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7153
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074071532

versand zwischen 1.Juli und 31.Juli
kein Liefertermin bekannt
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CHF 16.-

Set Inhalt:
AMIG0086 Acryl Farbe BLUE (RAL 5019) (17 mL)
AMIG0121 Acryl Farbe BLOOD RED (17 mL)
AMIG0122 Acryl Farbe BONE (17 mL)
AMIG0123 Acryl Farbe MARINE BLUE (17 mL)
AMIG0192 Metal Acryl Farbe POLISHED METAL (17 mL)
AMIG0198 Metal Acryl Farbe GOLD (17 mL)
The definitive selection of painting and finishing colors for hoards of space armies. With both Polished Metal and Gold metal acrylic colors for metal surfaces and effects, and authentic colors for your space legion's identifying signals and markings. All jars are acrylic and formulated for maximum performance both with brush and airbrush and will allow us to apply the correct color on our models. Water soluble, odorless, and non-toxic. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator to facilitate mixture. We recommend MIG -2000 Acrylic Thinner for correct thinning. Dries completely in 24 hours.Included colors:A.MIG-086 Blue (RAL 5019)A.MIG-121 Blood Red   ¡New Color!A.MIG-122 Bone   ¡New Color!A.MIG-123 Marine Blue   ¡New Color!A.MIG-192 Polished MetalA.MIG-198 Gold

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