Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7022
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074070221

versand zwischen 3.Juli und 2.August
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CHF 12.-

Set of 4 colours specifically designed to paint WWII US Army uniform colours. One khaki tone for the trousers, one green tone for the tunic, and two ochre tones for the highlights. All colours can be mixed with one another and with the full range of AMMO acrylics to get more colours and hues. Includes the colors: AMMO.F-508 BROWN BASE FS-30108. AMMO.F-509 UNIFORM GREEN BASE FS-34128. AMMO.F-510 UNIFORM SAND YELLOW FS-32555. AMMO.F-511 LIGHT SAND FS-33727. The AMMO range of acrylic paints for figures has been designed to make your painting sessions a more enjoyable experience thanks to the speed and simplicity of use; new materials for new techniques, more accessible to all modelers. All of the colours in this series can be mixed with one another and with the full range of AMMO acrylics. This line of colours is perfect for the usual layering and blending techniques used in figure painting as well as the most recent mixed blending techniques. Formulated for maximum performance both with brush and airbrush. Water soluble, odourless, non-flammable and non-toxic.

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