Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7163
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074071631

versand zwischen 10.Juni und 8.Juli
kein Liefertermin bekannt
lieferbare ähnliche Artikel
CHF 16.-

Set Inhalt:
AMIG0067 Acryl Farbe LIGHT SAND GREY (17 mL)
AMIG0066 Acryl Farbe FADED SINAI GREY (17 mL)
AMIG0068 Acryl Farbe IDF GREEN (17 mL)
AMIG0049 Acryl Farbe RED (17 mL)
AMIG0131 Acryl Farbe REAL IDF SINAI GREY 82 (17 mL)
AMIG0132 Acryl Farbe REAL IDF SAND GREY 73 (17 mL)
Exclusive limited edition with accuracy colors to paint the full Israeli vehicles range of every time period.You will find, for the first time, a new color formula of Sand Grey 73 and Sinai Grey 82, exactly as they are used in real IDF vehicles, based on authentic real colors samples, or the characteristic IDF Green from the first periods. It includes also the classic special tones cleared up, to apply highlights and represent scale effect, and also the red color used in mobile parts of IDF vehicles.This is the definitive set, the most complete for both IDF lovers that want the maximum accuracy and those who want to make more free interpretations. Included colors: A.MIG-0066 FADED SINAI GREY. A.MIG-0067 LIGHT SAND GREY. A.MIG-0068 IDF GREEN. A.MIG-0049 RED. A.MIG-0131 REAL IDF SINAI GREY '82. A.MIG-0132 REAL IDF SAND GREY '73.

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